
Omen Natural Handwoven Rug

Our Omen is collection of tasteful hand woven wool rugs with the prominent contrasting luster of wool. Our collection will be a welcomed addition to any décor. These woven rugs are hand-woven in India by skilled weavers. The simple designs are perfect for any home or office space. This diverse collection of rugs offers options for every style. This rug is hand woven and durable for use in a busy home with easy care.

Dimensions 160 x 230 cm
Color Beige, Ivory, Natural
Material 80% Wool 20 % Cotton
Backing No
Style Hand woven
Product Height 1.2 cm
Country of Origin Hand woven by skilled weavers in India for attention to detail and lasting quality.
Select Size 160×230 cm

All our handmade rugs are an original work of art, unique to each artisan. We understand that you, as a lover of handmade rugs, buy from us because you love the creativity and the uniqueness of each handmade product we sell. At the same time we wish to help you understand that, since each product is handmade and so, the details may not be as clean as machine crafted.

You may notice some inconsistencies in design as well. Such tonal irregularities, slight size, color and design variations, and placement of designs are inherent to the process, and enhance the individuality of each item, and give it character. Handmade products have a unique identity that requires being appreciated as part of the style.
Therefore, please do not think of irregularities as defects. There could be a slight variance in product color from the posted photos due to ambient lighting.

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Need Design Inspiration?

Here are some beautiful ways of using Veeraa Rugs in your home.